Conference on Management Systems and IT in the Energy Sector

Conference on Management Systems and IT in the Energy Sector

Aqist was a partner of the “2017 Management Systems and IT in the Energy Section” conference organized by the Slovak Gas and Oil Association and the Slovak Gas Agency from 14th to 15th March 2017 in Nitra.
The conference participants were mainly directors and top representatives of the industrial organizations operating in Slovakia. The experts on the power, water, oil and gas industry spoke out in five blocks. The conference focused on supporting innovation and research in companies, education and IT security.
The conference was opened by Ján Klepáč of the Slovak Gas and Oil Association, who has evaluated the rate of utilization of natural gas and its impact on the reduction of CO2 content in the air. According to him, it is necessary to “set the emission ceiling and optimize the energy output within the carbon balance.”
The first block of the conference focused mainly on the IT security, dispatch and complete renovation of the management systems of the Veľké Kapušany border delivery station and the Čierny Váh pumping water power plant Čierny Váh. Representatives of Západoslovenská distribučná, Slovenské elektrárne and Eustream spoke out at the conference.
The lecturers devoted the second block to the implementation and standardisation of IT solutions for SCADA control systems as well as cyber security. Milan Valjašek and Stanislav Kovalčík shared their experience with the implementation of the Intelligent Measurement System at Stredoslovenská energetika – Distribúcia, a.s., which makes it possible for each electricity meter to be ready for communication via GPRS and 3G networks and every service station can be operated remotely.
New software and mobile solutions for increasing operating efficiency and the maintenance information system at NAFTA, a.s. and the nuclear power plants were presented in the third block. The next day continued in the technological spirit.
The fourth block included four representatives of SPP – Distribúcia and the entire conference was completed with the fifth block, in which the lecturers summed up the biggest and most important changes and their impacts on energy and IT services in recent years.
We would like to thank all the organizers, lecturers, participants as well as Agroinštitút Nitra. We will see each other next year!

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