Stredoslovenská distribučná, a. s.



AQIST solution for Stredoslovenská distribučná, a. s.

Stredoslovenská distribučná, a. s., (SSE-D) is a distribution energy company. It operates in the Žilina, Banská Bystrica and Trenčín Regions, where it distributes electricity to almost 740,000 customers consisting of entrepreneurs and households. It provides its customers with services related to the operation of the distribution system.

Thanks to the solution of the central information system for remote electric meter reading and measured data processing from Aqist. a.s., SSE-D currently offers its customers a new way of deducting electricity consumption in order to make it more efficient. Intelligent metering systems are implemented free-of-charge in multiple stages for end customers connected to the low voltage level, whose annual consumption exceeds at least 4 MWh.

The Intelligent Metering System (hereinafter “IMS”) is an electronic system capable of measuring the amount of energy consumed or produced using intelligent measuring devices. It further enables the collection, processing, transmission and provision of this data to end-consumers and other market participants. The reason for implementing the IMS is mainly to strengthen consumer rights and protection in the electricity market and encourage the active participation of all market participants and especially consumers. Directive 2009/72/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council requires member states of the European Union to introduce the IMS by 2020.

An electricity end-consumer can, by means of the information obtained from the IMS, decide on the efficient use of its daily electricity consumption already during the day. Thanks to intelligent metering, it is much easier to track how much electricity we spend in a given time as well as to change and regulate consumer habits accordingly, which can help save electricity.

The aim of the project implemented by Aqist a.s. was the introduction of a new information system, the central IMS Headquarters, implementing not only new legislative requirements, but improving user comfort and increasing the efficiency of the business processes of SSE-D, in particular monitoring, remote meter reading, electric meter parametrisation, measured data processing and process monitoring for the billing and management of electricity distribution. At the same time, the task was to create conditions for using measured data for the development of the electricity gird system and the management of the low voltage system with a need for integration into smart-grid networks.

The first stage was primarily focused on building the central IMS and integrating it with existing systems and used measuring devices to meet the requirements ensuing from the legislation. The cornerstone of the system was BillienAMM from TollNet, a.s., which delivered and modified 8 system modules and 12 advanced services. In spite of the considerable amount of work, the first phase of the project was successfully completed in the course of several months, passing user acceptance tests and as of 1 January 2016 putting the required functionality into high operation.

The central IMS, delivered under the first stage of the project, provides:

  • support for assembly and remote parametrisation of new smart electric meters;
  • communication with smart meters via DLMS / COSEM protocol;
  • reading of data from new smart meters;
  • data processing in the central IMS;
  • synchronizing master data and sending registry data into SAP IS-U;
  • sending of readings and profiles to the external OKTE system;
  • remote turning on / off of electric meters,
  • update of tariff schedules according to the requirements of the SCADA system;
  • the ability of SSE-D clients to use the energy data portal.

Transmission system and transport network operators are currently facing ongoing regulatory changes in a regulated environment at the national and transnational level, the needs for technological changes in the network in connection with the decentralization of production, the development of smart grids, a change in the structure of production resources, requirements to continuously increase the interconnection of markets and, in addition, pressures to streamline operation and optimize costs.

The central IMS, delivered under the second stage of the project, provides:

  • reading of data from electric meters of the original central RMR;
  • replacing the functionality of the original central RMR;
  • migration of data from the original central RMR;
  • use of enhanced data management functionality;
  • receiving and sending data from / to all other SSE-D systems;
  • addition of extra features, e.g. alarm and limiter management.


  • processing capacity of readings of more than 150,000 smart meters along with sending to external systems (currently over 30,000 in operation and processed in about one hour);
  • remote parametrisation of all smart electricity meters, setting profiles;
  • automation of collections and remaining collections from electric meters;
  • automatic processing of events and alarms;
  • native integration to external entities operating on the electricity market;
  • integration of all types of smart meters and RMR electric meters into one main base;
  • replacing and consolidating the functionality of the original remote data collection.


  • compliance with legislative requirements;
  • automating the processes of reading, processing, transforming, validating and providing measured data to internal and external entities;
  • integration of the original Automatic Meter Reading System with the new Advanced Metering Infrastructure System into a single consolidated standardized ecosystem with a uniform measured data structure, which provides for the smooth operation of SSE-D metering;
  • interoperability of the system with different types of electricity meters from different manufacturers without the need for a long-lasting and demanding system integration thanks to DLMS/COSEM protocol support, interoperability also involving the exchange of data between the central IMS and other external systems running SSE-D;
  • the possibility with a large reserve of processing data from over 150,000 measuring devices, which in terms of performance ranks among the best in the Slovak market;
  • significantly shortening the time of automatic sending of measured data to OKTE thanks to high performance,
  • the possibility of providing online measured data to SSE-D customers through a customer portal,
  • unified supervision and management of all system components and trouble-free expansion with additional modules / functionalities in the future thanks to the use of the Billien product;
  • replacing the original system with a higher quality and newer generation system;
  • creating conditions for using the measured data for the further development of the electricity grid system, managing the distribution system with the aim of integration into the smart grid network.


“We are happy with the progress and outcome of our cooperation with Aqist. We have been able to fully automate the processes for the reading, processing, transformation, validation and provision of measured data to internal and external distribution customers. Thanks to the support of technical standards (DLMS / COSEM protocol), interoperability with different types of electric meters from different manufacturers is ensured, enabling us to choose from a wider range of measurement technologies on the market. This offers the benefit of alternative financial savings in tender procedures for selecting electricity meter suppliers.

Interoperability does not only involve the reading and controlling the end-of-pipe metering devices themselves, but exchanging data between the central IMS and other systems operating SSE-D. The central IMS is prepared with a reserve to process data with over 150,000 metering devices, which makes it an exceptional system used in the power industry.”

Mgr. Anna Rechtoríková

Director of the Customer Services Division

  • Proven robust platform certified not only in the energy sector
  • Flexible solution 100% customizable according to customer requirements
  • Local development team with strong energy know-how
  • Cost effective solution compared to inflexible transnational solutions


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