A transmission system or transport network operator provides the transport of energy in the form of natural gas or electricity. The role of the transmission system operator in the wholesale electricity market is to manage real-time electricity grid safety as well as coordinate supply and demand for electricity in a way that prevents frequency fluctuations or supply disruptions. The transport network operator shall support the functioning of the internal market and the cross-border trade in natural gas and ensure the optimal management, coordinated operation and technical development of the transport networks.
More about the serviceA distribution system or network operator ensures the distribution of energy in the form of natural gas or electricity to final customers at delivery points. The role of the distribution system operator is primarily electricity distribution, the distribution system development, energy equipment rental and the management of designated measuring devices. The distribution network operator shall ensure the sale of distribution capacities, development activities, operation and maintenance of the gas distribution network.
More about the serviceSuppliers and energy traders are business companies supplying energy products, such as electricity and gas to end-customers ranging from wholesalers to households. They trade commodities on the wholesale market and offer their customers and prospective customers new products and services.
More about the serviceOther entities such as manufacturers, heating plants, water companies, gas storage facilities and others operate on the utility market. Continuous changes in the market and regulatory environment as well as competitive and regulatory cost-cutting pressures force them to look for new, effective ways to ensure the operation of their IT solutions.
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